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Under new policy, some Charlotte landlords would be fined for not renting to voucher holders

Action NC's canvassers knock on the doors of tenants that rent from corporate landlords to hear their concerns. Screenshot | The Charlotte Observer

By Genna Contino, The Charlotte Observer


Some developers would be fined hundreds of dollars for refusing to rent to voucher holders if Charlotte’s City Council approves a policy up for a vote Monday night.

The policy says developers or housing providers who deny renters who use what are known as Section 8 vouchers could receive a warning or fines. The vouchers provide a federally-funded subsidy to assist the tenant in rent payment.

The policy would apply only to landlords and developers who receive city subsidies. The policy was spearheaded by City Councilwoman Victoria Watlington, with the purpose of providing “opportunities for individuals and families to obtain safe, quality affordable housing,” city documents read.

Anyone who violates the policy would first receive a written notice and undergo mandatory compliance training. A second violation would result in another training and a daily $500 fee until the violation is fixed.

If a housing provider violates the policy a third time, they will receive a written notification of default under the agreement between the city and the developer, which will provide a time period to cure the violation.

Charlotte severely lacks affordable housing as just 1% of apartments in Mecklenburg County rent for less than $1,000 per month.

Read more at The Charlotte Observer