Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Digital Branch

Code Your Way to a New Career

Teaching yourself to code is no easy task! There are endless resources out there, and some are better than others. Many are free (or free up to a point), making it hard to know what is reputable, what actually works, and what will get you into a new field quickly. As a coding and technology instructor, I have used a lot of different resources for a variety of languages–from HTML to Python. Here is my go-to list of recommended resources and groups you can join to stay motivated.

Free Resources

There are a lot of options for “free” classes online–and it can be hard to find something that is truly free. The below resources are completely free, or free with your library card. These are great resources for beginners, as you may decide you want to pay for premium content as you get more serious.

Khan Academy

Free video-based tutorials that include lessons on math and test prep, but also have some great coding tutorials on HTML & CSS, and even some JavaScript. Great for beginners!


Free, quick reference for nearly all coding languages. Does include some exercises and practice projects. Great to refer back to as you are learning.

Only free with a library card. Access by going to and selecting Make a free account using your library card or CMS student ID. Don’t have a library card? Get one here.

(Mostly) Free Resources

Udacity is one of my all-time favorite resources for learning something new, even though some of their content does cost money. Many of these resources are great, even though there is a pay-wall for certain parts of the curriculum. You can get pretty far on either of these without having to pay anything.


Includes entire online courses on a variety of tech subjects. Some courses are free of charge and some do have a cost. Creating an account is free and videos with the courses are very high quality.


Free step by step exercises. Great for beginners and intermediate learners alike. Format of lessons make it easy to jump in with no previous knowledge. Premium content is behind a pay-wall.

Coding Groups

Groups that meet in person can be hugely helpful in staying motivated and on top of your coding education. When you are learning on your own, its important to surround yourself with people working on similar things, for both help and motivation. Meetup is a great place to find groups. There are many active groups not listed here.

Girl Develop It Charlotte

This meetup group is a local chapter for a national nonprofit. They offer classes, meetups, and more. Some meetings are free, and some classes do cost a fee. They offer a regular “coffee and code” program at a coffee shop, where you can meet others and ask questions.

Library Codelab

Library Codelab is a free meetup for adults where we explore different coding languages through projects and hands-on practice. We offer resources, motivation and access to a community of coders in a non-intimidating environment. Each meeting, we focus on a different coding language or concept and work together on a project. Sign up for our email list to find out about upcoming events!

Featured Opportunity

The Workforce Investment Network (WIN) is a new program available in Charlotte starting in January 2019. More cohorts will be added in the future, and it is free to apply for this program. The program will offer paid professional development (provided by Tech Talent South) and guaranteed job placement upon completion of the program.

This program is a collaboration between Carolina FinTech Hub  and the following partners:

For more details on the program and how to apply, click the button below.
