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Jumpstart your New Year with S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting

The new year is approaching and people are hastily setting goals without the proper intentions. People question exactly what they want to do for the new year? Reflecting on 2018 and where you are in life, what have you identified as goals that you’d like to accomplish and how will you accomplish them? In this season of avid goal-setting for the new year, don’t forget to not only identify your goals but also the steps it will take to accomplish these goals. Those steps are actions and actions lead to the realities of your goals. Forgetting that actions should be incorporated with goal-setting is where people lose track of their ideas. The importance of not only the big picture goal but the steps it will take to get there is the difference between success and failure. When we take the time to set timely goals like 5 and 10-year goals, it’s important to note that all the goals between are the action steps to meeting the larger goals.

What are your 5 and 10-year goals? What are your goals for 2019 and how do they lead you to accomplish your ultimate goals? When considering and writing your goals:

Be clear

Create a list to narrow down what you want to do and be able to describe what you want.

Be Motivated

This is about your drive. What is going to keep the fire lit when working to accomplish your goals - when challenges arise.


Keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t get distracted. If you want it you have to go and get it! Motivation and focus are a dangerous combination when crushing your goals.


Who is going to hold you accountable for your goals? You don’t have to tell the world about your goals, but you should tell a close friend. That friend can encourage you to keep pushing forward. Their role is to check up on you from time to time to make sure that you are working towards your goals.

Be S.M.A.R.T.

Be smart about your goals. You’ve probably seen the acronym for S.M.A.R.T.  goals, but there is no harm in revisiting the meaning of this to get clear about the goals that you’d like to set.

S – Specific. Be specific. How might you reach a goal if you haven’t identified steps to reach the said goal?

M – Measurable.  How can you determine if your goal is successful? Is your goal meaningful? How do you know if you’ve achieved your goal?

A – Attainable. Is this goal realistic? Having grand plans is great, but you must be able to consider the work and time it will take to achieve these goals.

R – Relevant. How important is this to you? The very essence of relevancy is why you want to achieve this goal.

T – Timely. Do you have a deadline associated with the completion of the goal? This should be a realistic timeline for reaching your goal.

Whether you have big goals or small goals for 2019, develop goals with intention by making them S.M.A.R.T. and watch your journey to success prevail. Comment below and share your goals!