Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Digital Branch

The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Resume

A carefully crafted resume is an important part of your job search. If you take the time to search the internet for resume tips you will see that there are thousands of hits on how to design a resume. However, there are no set rules when it comes to resumes, but below are my suggestions to make your resume more effective.


Add action words. When listing your accomplishments and duties for previous jobs always start your sentence with an action word. Use of action words allows you to be more concise and provide instant information to hiring managers. Often hiring managers only skim resumes so it is recommended that you use active words instead of passive words.

Tailor your resume to your desired job. Though tailoring your resume for every job application can be time-consuming, it will show the hiring manager that you put thought and time into your application. Pull keywords and skills listed in the job description into your resume to show that you are the right person for the position.

Find someone else to review your resume. You’ve been working on your resume for hours and the finished product is ready! The next step is to review it, self-evaluation can only do so much, so I the suggest you use a second pair of eyes. They may spot errors you have missed. If you don’t have a friend or colleague willing to review your resume, consider submitting it to the Job Help Center’s resume review service. You can email your resume to and have one of our staff provide a review (expect 3 to 5 days for review).  Plus, it’s completely free!


“References available upon request” should be removed from your resume. To apply for a job, you should have 2 to 3 references. References are people who will attest to your ability to perform tasks. However, you should not include them in your resume- just keep them on hand to use when filling out a job application.

Take out the Objective. Instead of listing an “objective” consider a qualifications summary or skills section instead. Include a list of your accomplishments. Your main objective is to get a job, which can go without saying. This will help you make better use of available space.

Remove your mailing address. You should always list the city and state you live in. However, it’s not important to list your mailing address (unless stated in the job requirements). Save some space and omit.

Don’t list any job older than 10 years. Have you been in the workforce for over 10 years? If so, any job older than 10 years or more can be excluded from your resume. A caveat to this is If you feel experience is relevant to the job you are interested in, then feel free to add those important skills to your skills or qualifications section.

These are just a few of the tips I believe will make your resume more effective and will bring you one step closer to getting your dream job. What Do’s and Don’ts do you feel should be included in this list? Sound off in the comment section below!
