This episode is perfect for anyone interested in national accountancy, brand positioning, creating culture, disruptive technologies, and scaling family values.
- Mike describes Grant Thornton (‘GT’) and what makes it ‘significantly different.’
- He explains how GT is structured and how it serves clients across borders.
- He shares how he sees his job as CEO and what he means by ‘People First.’
- He explains what GT means by ‘StatusGo’ and what is today’s most important asset.
- Mike reveals the real differentiating factors between accounting firms.
- He discusses what qualities GT hires for and the two personality traits in employees he values most.
- He shares why he wants GT to be the ‘Tesla’ of the accounting industry.
- He answers whether he thinks of himself as the Elon Musk of accountancy.
- Mike talks about how Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contracts, Data Analytics and Robotics are changing the accounting industry.
- He considers what changes he would make to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
- He identifies what difficult issues GT clients are facing on the horizon.
- He explains what has to be done right to successfully disrupt industries.
- Mike addresses whether accounting firms are serving society when they help companies ‘optimize’ or pay less taxes.
- He tells the story of how he hired Dianne Swonk, the new chief economist of GT.
- He discusses growing up in the grocery business and what decision his father made that totally changed his family.
- He talks about what he learned ‘at the corner of Jackson and Main.’
- Mike shares what happens to him when he enters a grocery store today.
- He answers whether his childhood friends would recognize him.
- He reflects on attending Bowling Green University and what it allowed him to do.
- He reveals why he became an accountant and what he will never forget.
- Mike shares how he wants to be remembered.