Aging mobile home park may be solution for affordable housing in York, SC

By Indira Eskieva, WCNC
York County Councilmember Bump Roddey said affordable housing is a major need in York County, and he sees the start of a solution in this project.


York County Council is looking at allowing a developer to turn an aging mobile home park into a 400-home community, with the promise prices will stay affordable to help families out.

The proposed project is on McAfee Court in York, where there are about 40 mobile homes. Virgie Cherry, a resident of 16 years, said she wishes it would be maintained better.

“All this garbage out here,” Cherry said. “These people don’t like cleaning yards.”

High grass, trash, unpaved roads and some homes on the brink of collapse are just some of the complaints from residents on McAfee Court, many of whom can’t afford to leave the aging mobile home community.

But a new proposal to replace these homes with space for 400 new manufactured homes by Bull Creek LLC is bringing hope to some.

See more at WCNC


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