Below, you will find each installment of The Pandemic along with the story that inspired it. Please click on the images to jump to each specific installment or click the button below to read the associated story.
This story was based off the video by Stephanie Bunao on The Charlotte Observer, “How COVID-19 unfolded during the first month in North Carolina”
Historia de: Stephanie Bunao (The Charlotte Observer)
“How COVID-19 unfolded during the first month in North Carolina”

This story was based off the article by Nate Morabito and David Boraks from WCNC, “When contact tracing works, families, friends and co-workers avoid infection” as well as the article by David Boraks from WFAE, “Success stories show contract tracing works, but only when people help”

Historia de Cedric Meekins
Historia de: Nate Morabito y David Boraks (WCNC-TV) “When contact tracing Works, families, friends and co-workers avoid infection” y David Boraks (WFAE-FM) “Success stories show contract tracing works, but only when people help”

This story was based on the series by Laura Brache for WFAE and La Noticia, “Undocumented And Uninsured: NC Family’s Battle With COVID-19 And The Health Care System” and “Undocumented And Uninsured: The Cultural Implications Among Latinos At Hospitals During COVID-19”. Artwork by Kiana Mui (IG @KMUIII).

This story was based on the story by David Aaron Moore for Qnotes, “COVID-19: It’s Journey Since December 2019: A look at reported specs and a firsthand account from a N.C. gay couple”. Artwork by Gil Croy (IG @tankerblue, @gilcroy).

Historia de: David Aaron Moore (Qnotes), “COVID-19: It’s Journey Since December 2019: A look at reported specs and a firsthand account from a N.C. gay couple”. Ilustración de: Gil Croy (IG: @tankerblue, @gilcroy).

This story was based on the story by David Boraks with additional interviews from WFAE, “Residents of Tent City Leave Lot Before Deadline – And Move Across the Street.” Artwork by Chris Taylor (IG @tall.chris)

Historia de: David Boraks con entrevistas adicionales para WFAE, , “Residents of Tent City Leave Lot Before Deadline – And Move Across the Street.” Ilustración de:Chris Taylor (IG @tall.chris).

Chapter 5 of The Pandemic: “I Wouldn’t Wish This On Anybody.” Story by Sarah Delia, WFAE. Art by Matthew Clayburn IG@matthewclayburn.

Capítulo 5 de The Pandemic: No le deseo esto a nadie. Historia de: Sarah Delia, WFAE. Ilustración de: Matthew Clayburn IG@matthewclayburn.

This story was based on the story by Hannah Smoot from The Charlotte Observer, “Inside a Quarantine Hotel: Black mold, armed guards and TV dinners.” Artwork by Josh Henderson (IG @whatisrelax)

Historia de: Hannah Smoot para The Charlotte Observer, “Inside a Quarantine Hotel: Black mold, armed guards and TV dinners.” Ilustración de: Josh Henderson (IG @whatisrelax)

This story was based on the story by Sabrina Clark for QCity Metro, “Voice actor’s message to ‘wear a mask’ comes after losing dad and his own COVID-19 battle”. Artwork by Makayla Binter (IG @mkay_15)

Historia de: Sabrina Clark para QCity Metro, “Voice actor’s message to ‘wear a mask’ comes after losing dad and his own COVID-19 battle”. Ilustración de: Makayla Binter (IG @mkay_15).
This story was based on stories from the Charlotte Journalism Collaborative. Edited by Chris Rudisill. Artwork by Marcus Kiser (IG @marcus_kiser).
Esta entrega se basó en las historias del Charlotte Journalism Collaborative. Editado por: Chris Rudisill. Ilustración de: Marcus Kiser (IG @marcus_kiser).
This is a project of the Charlotte Journalism Collaborative in partnership with BOOM Charlotte and supported by the Local Media Project, an initiative launched by the Solutions Journalism Network with support from the Knight Foundation to strengthen and reinvigorate local media ecosystems.
This project was made possible, in part, with funding from ASC.
Charlotte Journalism Collaborative Project Blends Impactful Reporting with Graphic Artistry
Michael J. Solender | ASC Charlotte
When COVID-19 first began to impact our community in early 2020, the Charlotte Journalism Collaborative (CJC), a diverse group of six area media and three community partners, wanted an innovative approach to reach an audience of untypical news consumers with credible and actionable messaging. Read more.
Charlotte Journalism Collaborative kicks off distribution of graphic novel
Artists, journalists collaborate on graphic novel about COVID cases in Charlotte
Project Tells Stories From the Pandemic, In Graphic Novel Style

COVID-19 Stories and Links from The Finale
- North Carolina Again Reports Record High Coronavirus Cases, WFAE
- Cooper, NC Will Stay in Phase 3 for 3 More Weeks, WFAE
- Letter to County Managers and Board Chairs,
- Mecklenburg Church Now Tied to 187 Cases of COVID-19, WCNC-TV
- Charlotte Church Resumes Services After COVID-19 Outbreak, The Charlotte Observer
- Charlotte Doctor Receives First Shot As Initial Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Arrive in NC, WFAE
- COVID-19 Vaccine, QNotes
- Contact Tracers Struggle to Keep Up as Coronavirus Cases Surge From Holiday Travel, Consider This from NPR as aired on WFAE
- Remembering Diann Hall: The Lives Behind the Coronavirus, WCNC-TV
- Inside ‘the hot zone.’ How a western NC field hospital launched in a week, The Charlotte Observer
- ‘I could potentially lose him.’ Black moms weigh heavy decision on COVID vaccine, The Charlotte Observer
- Daily COVID-19 Numbers, State source: NC DHHS & County Health Departments | Last Updated: February 15, U.S. Source: CDC, The COVID Tracking Project and Johns Hopkins University CSSE, as reported by The Charlotte Observer
- As NC expands who can get the COVID-19 vaccine, some are being bumped down the list, WCNC-TV
- Condado de Mecklenburg comenzará a administrar la vacuna COVID a las personas mayores de 75 años, La Noticia
- ‘Like the Wild West’: NC residents had lots to say about COVID vaccine rollout, The Charlotte Observer
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Urges Public to get COVID-19 Vaccine, Associated Press
- Joe Biden Inauguration Speech Transcript,
- National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness,