Improve Your Technology Skills!

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers a variety of free digital literacy programs for both beginners and those looking to enhance their technology skills. Classes are offered online and at select Library locations. We also partner with organizations such as AARP and the Center for Digital Equity to bring you additional resources and options.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library partners with AARP Charlotte to bring you Digital Literacy Charlotte: Tech Titans 50+. This program is Senior Planet content taught in a peer to peer learning model of seniors teaching seniors.

Senior Planet at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Sign up for a beginner’s technology class or series at your local library! This program provides a welcoming learning environment for older adults to support each other as they develop new technology skills. Programs are geared toward ages 50+.

Computer Essentials (5-Weeks)

Courses allow you to learn at your own pace, with classes meeting twice a week for 5 weeks. Our most popular offering is Computer Essentials, which covers the essentials of how to use the basic functions of a personal computer, how to navigate the internet, and how to send and receive email. These are hands-on classes with lots of practice and a course book is provided.

Classes & Workshops

Lectures and workshops are one-time classes that will introduce you to a topic and provide answers to common questions. No device is required for most of these classes.

What is Digital Literacy?

Digital literacy means having the skills to use a variety of digital tools for managing the tasks of daily life. Almost everything we do today requires some level of digital skill or technology, making digital literacy a more critical skill than ever. Digital literacy is not just the mastery of certain tasks or skills, but the ability to approach new concepts and tools and feel equipped to learn and grow as technology changes. It includes being able to be safe online and how to use technology to meet your own personal goals. Digital literacy is a journey, as we all adapt and change along with the technology that shapes our world today.

Read more from the American Library Association here.
